Thursday, September 04, 2008

Accreditation Problems at Other Schools

I saw the following opinion piece in the O.C. Register on Accreditation by a faculty member from Cerritos.It is a 3 part opinion piece. Click here for Part one, Part two, and the last part.

1 comment:

  1. I've explained it to people over and over again, but the average voter doesn't know about or care about the elections for trustees at their local community college. Thus they vote for the incumbent over and over again. And, if there is a debate about more money for prisons or more money for community colleges, your stereotypical 65 year old voter with no kids or grandkids at a community college will opt for prison spending, since felons scare them much more than students who can't get access to classes. It's sad but true.


All views are welcome. Please do not use foul language.