Friday, October 10, 2008

The Wi-Fi Expectation

Rio Hondo has Wi-Fi and it seems to be a good thing that we do! According to this poll students can not live without it.

"Wi-Fi has become a universal expectation among college students, and their
attitudes towards technology are a good indicator of broad changes underway in
how we as a society learn, work and communicate," ....

"Young adults expect access to information with unprecedented immediacy. Whether they are chasing a detail that will help them look smart in the middle of a class discussion, or are looking up a new friend on the Internet within minutes of meeting them - Wi-Fi enables the flexibility and freedom to access information from just about anywhere."


  1. Yes, students cannot live without Wi-Fi. They can now bring their computers to class and be completely distracted by checking their email and doing everything except for paying attention in the class.


  2. It is difficult to convey sarcasm for me.


All views are welcome. Please do not use foul language.