Thursday, December 23, 2010

This Sounds Like SLO in Education

Every morning I listen to various boring podcast as I drink my coffee and smoke my cancer sticks. This morning I was listening to Peter Days World of Business and found two interesting episode. Actually I did not realize they were interesting till I heard the second interview with the Chief Executive of Oxfam Barbara Stocking.
Her response to Business Professors imposing their need for data on non-profit was excellent.  (The following is my attempt to type as I listen) "You use Business measures when trying to measure business like things.... example food cooperative sales figures..."
After an interruption by Peter Day she continues "But when talking of longer term economic development it is not just those measurable things. example resilience.. how do you measure resilience? ask people what is your perception of this project?"
This point did not sink in till I heard the following comment:

"Poverty is the whole of society. it is everything that happens and separating your (nonprofit) part out of that is complicated."
This is similar to education. separating out how much an individual class adds to the educational level of a student is difficult. 
The point that caught my attention and made me drink another cup of coffee and start blogging was a question by Peter Day "but if you get too bureaucratic you will disillusion people on the ground doing the grunt work."
Her response was excellent and made me wish that our Administrators would have the same understanding "that is why we have to be careful what we are going to measure. If you ask them to fill out forms that have nothing to do with our mission then rubbish comes out of the system."
And yes we are creating lots of Rubbish, Garbage or Basura better known as SLO data.

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