Friday, July 15, 2011

More Reflections on Why This President is Not Successful

I like the TV show "House."  Every week he faces a critically ill patient, and each time the team gathers and reviews the case - listing all the symptoms.  Most often the patient survives.

Here are the college's symptoms:

1. The President has interfered in curricular matters - the state mandated purview of the faculty.  He and the Board of Trustees have created academic programs and have attempted to improperly influence the creation of new degrees.

2. The President and the Board have dragged out negotiations.  Faculty have been without a contract for at least 4 years.  Oddly, the District has just recently agreed to the terms for the 2007-2010 contract.

3. During this fiscal crisis, top administrators have received raises making them the 5th highest paid in the state.  One administrator has been the obvious recipient of favoritism - look to see who has been promoted twice in nearly as many years.

4. The President has wasted faculty time.  Twice he has started discussions regarding revamping the college's Planning Fiscal Council, and twice has stooped the discussions when they took a direction he didn't like. The Senate has wanted to update the procedure for hiring faculty on two occasions; neither time has the president followed through.  In the hiring of new colleagues, he arbitrarily insists on three candidates - no matter what the reality of the search dictates.

5. The college instituted a planning process which he routinely ignores.  He has stated at the leadership retreat that he is exempt from the process.  Administrative reorganizations and new administrative positions just appear out of thin air.

6. Over half of the Deans and Directors have left.  It seems that some were gently nudged out the door, others seem to have bolted for the door.

Is that enough to diagnose the problem and prescribe a cure?

1 comment:

  1. This President and his supportors on the Board have shown they do not have any confidence in the faculty. Is it time for us to say that we have no confidence in the President and the Board?


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