Saturday, October 01, 2011

President Ted Martinez, Jr. is Awesome (cough, cough)

Read this excerpt from the September 2011 President's Update:
Our ability to assist our students through their educational journey is an important indicator of our success as an institution. In today’s economic climate, we are expected to help students complete as efficiently as possible. Toward that end, I am working with our division deans  [emphasis added] to develop specific strategies to enhance completion and transfer. Dr. Pierson is leading a taskforce which focuses on developmental education which will identify practices that help students become better equipped to succeed at college-level work.
It is amazing that the Ted and his administration can do all this and more without any help from the faculty and staff.  Go Ted!  Rah!


  1. The long lines in front of Financial Aid and students' frustrations is the true indicator of this administration's concern for students.

  2. In case anyone misses the sarcasm -

    If Ted were concerned about student learning, he'd also be more concerned with the people that do the teaching.

  3. If Ted states that he is working with your division deans, should a more appropriate title be "My Dean (Name of you Dean) is Awesome (cough, cough)"????

  4. Except my dean and many others really are awesome. So I would leave the sarcastic 'cough cough' out of the title.


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