Thursday, October 06, 2011

Rio Hondo Spams?

Everyday I arrive to class 5 to 10 minutes before class begins.  I sit there watching and/or listening  to students' conversations.This way I get the pulse of the class. Today  I overheard an interesting conversation regarding the Rio Hondo email system. The students were complaining about the MyRioHondo email system. These students have set up the emails they receive at their account to be forwarded to the email that they can check on their smart phones. One of them was considering marking all Rio Hondo emails as spam so these emails would go to his junk mail folder. Another student agreed with the first. However, a third pointed out that they can stop forwarding these emails and as he put it allow them "to rot in the My Rio Hondo in box!" At this point I could not stop myself and jumped into the conversation. I pointed out that the waitlist in Access Rio emails most students at their My Rio Hondo email address, and they should not mark emails from this account as spam.
I asked to see the emails they were complaining about. One student had 5 emails in his junk mail folder from Rio.  They were "Petition to Graduate Today", "Transfer Conference", "Meet the Candidates", "Correction Off-site parking" and one more.
Two of the emails solicited additional criticism. They made fun of the "Correction" email. They read the email in a funny voice stressing " Sorry for the confusion".
Another student said "yeah they are confused!"
I said "Now lets be nice. Things change and it is hard to keep up."
They replied "If things change then do not spam us!"
Their anger was slowly turning toward me and I assured them that I have nothing to do with the email system.  Another email that they pointed out was the email titled "meet the candidates". They pointed out that opening attachments is not wise. I asked them to forward it to me and I opened it for them. It was the following image which met with a sigh followed by "Why couldn't they just type that out?"
This is the image that students would not download
After class the same student came up and thanked me for pointing out the importance of Rio Hondo Email at the beginning of the semester.
NOTE to Administration: If you are reading this blog post and come to me for information on who these students were do not expect any cooperation from me to identify them. My classroom is a "Safe Zone" and I will defend their right to free speech. Remember my motto: "We find comfort in those who agree with us and learn from those who disagree!"

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