Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Model of Bad Leadership

If you've never watched The Caine Mutiny, you should rent it.  Humphrey Bogart gives a stellar performance - one of his best in my opinion.

Here's the synopsis from IMDB:
During the Second World War, onboard a small insignificant ship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet, an event occurs unlike any that the United States Navy has ever experianced. A Ship's Captain is removed from his command by his Executive Officer in an apparent outright act of mutiny. As the trial of the mutineers unfold, it is then learned that the Captain of the ship was mentally unstable, perhaps even insane. The Navy must then decide: was the Caine Mutiny a criminal act? Or an act of courage to save a ship from destruction at the hands of her Captain.  
 There are too many scenes that are classic, but one that sticks in my mind is when Captain Queeg (Bogart) testifies in the court martial.  In it all the officers in the room realize that Queeg is no longer capable of command; even he seems to realize it at the end of the scene.

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