Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Zen of Leadership

I came across this story on one of many many trips through the World Wide Web.

There was a great Zen Master that had the reputation for overcoming and not being influenced by the eight worldly forces. 
A zen monk climbs up to this sage's temple, but the sage was not there. The zen monk writes a note for the sage. 
The note says "Master Lee is a fart" !
The Zen monk return down the hill and crosses the river to his monastery. 
The master returns and finds the signed note. The sage becomes agitated and runs down the hill and hires a boatman to cross the river at night. 
When he confronts the Zen monk with "how dare you?" 
The Zen monk smiles and says "Master, it is said that worldly wind can not affect you and yet my little puff of wind has moved you!"

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