Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lawyers Are Expensive

In an October meeting of the Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees, $5000 was allocated to Angela Reddock in her role as consultant to Human Resources investigator into alleged incidents of defamation, unfair treatment, and TIA inducing distress by faculty against Ted Martinez, Jr, the superintendent of the college.

In the agenda for the Feb. 8, 2012 meeting, the Board will act on an action item, "to request additional augmentation of $35,688.00... for a new total of $40,688.00 to complete the investigation and the report."  For reasons unknown, the investigator was unable to finish in the time alloted by our own policy.  The college has reportedly asked for and received an extension from the Chancellor.


How many sections of courses does this amount to? According to my sources about 8 of them.


  1. That is 8 courses that I need to graduate.

  2. Sad... They had to borrow money from the Art Dept to open my Calculus 2 course!! No wonder all the classes are JAM packed now!

  3. Administration may have mislead the Board. They may have known that this would cost $40000 from the beginning, but presented it as a $5000 item.


All views are welcome. Please do not use foul language.