Sunday, March 04, 2012

Cathy Butler Sighting!

Photo courtesy of El Paisano 

Yesterday I ran into Cathy Butler at the Starbucks on Beverly and Norwalk, and she bought me a cappuccino.  (Thanks again, Cathy.)  We sat outside since it was a gloriously beautiful day and chatted for quite awhile.

I'm happy to report Cathy is doing well given the circumstances.  She misses "her Rio family," especially the students.  We exchanged lots of stories, and I was pained to see how much Cathy loved our college, especially in light of the way she was unceremoniously non-reemployed.  [Non-reemployed is Human Resources speak for fired.]  As she related to me, not only has she been banned from campus, she wasn't even allowed to say goodbye before she was escorted from campus.
I suspect (wink, wink) that we may hear more about this whole situation soon.

For more info about what has transpired, see these posts on the Rio Hondo College Faculty Association web site.

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