Friday, November 04, 2011

Dignified Free Speech

This week a church group came to campus handing out literature on Salvation through Christ. They stood around in the new quad with signs while other members respectfully handed out literature.
In the past there were some other Christian groups that have come to campus and would yell at the students. This group was silent and dignified in their silent protest.  I was impressed by the discipline they showed.
Also I was impressed by the President's office allowing this group to protest as long as they did not disturb classes. The Evangelist groups in the past would yell and scream their judgmental views at students which would get students yelling back. These arguments could be heard in the classrooms during class time.
I do not agree with the message of hell and damnation for nonbelievers because I believe in a kind and forgiving god. However, I do admire this group for practicing their right to freedom of speech and the administration at Rio allowing them them to practice these rights.  

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