Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rio Hondo College Trustee Makes Public Comment

At the Dec. 14 meeting of the Rio Hondo College Board of Trustees, Madeline Shapiro made some remarkable comments. 

I want to read an item from the October agenda.  It says "Angela Roddeck – To assist Human Resources Department of assign tasks on the “as needed” basis. Payment not to exceed $5,000.00 from General Fund."  You know, reading that as a Board member, it seemed like Oh! Human Resources needs a little bit of extra help.  It seemed so innocent.  Had I known what this really was I would not have voted for this, and I want to make a public statement about that.
When I was elected two years ago, I did it for one reason and that was to bring to this college a more unified campus with people working together.  I don't see that happening.  I do not see that happening when - usually I get a little alert about an article in the newspaper, but the recent one in the Whittier Daily News I got no alert about, but I take the Whittier Daily News.
I don't think the problems on this campus have to do with students or staff or faculty … or deans or most administrators, but I do think it has to do with the leadership. And I'm very unhappy with what has transpired.

Here's the recording (audio only):


  1. Who was she looking at when she mentioned leadership?

  2. She was looking directly at Superintendent Ted Martinez Jr.

  3. So it seems that the president misled the Board when he put this agenda item forward. Taxpayers are now out of money and students are not getting classes.


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