Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Exam Schedule Does It Serve the Students

Since I started working at Rio Hondo Six years ago, every year we had a problem with the final exam schedule. This year is no exception to the rule.  I have argued that the final exam should be given during the last class of the semester. However, the Academic Senate and the Administration disagrees with me. They argue that students benefit from the final exam schedule. I disagree most of our students have hectic lives balancing work, family and school. They are not the traditional students at a U.C. or Cal State. Our students work and for some it is difficult to take time off from work.
Also the lack of clarity on the part of both Faculty and Administration has lead to constant changes to the final exam schedule. Let me be clear both Faculty and Administrators  share the blame for this mess. The Faculty are to blame for insisting on having final week and Administration for trying to make this work instead of standing up for students and pointing out the realities faced by our students.  I am in between classes and as  I write this I am listening to students. Their comments are as follow:
Two students talking to each other as they check the schedule online:
Student one :"I think this is stupid that some (final exams) are on Monday and some are Wednesday"
Student two: "The schedule is confusing ... the way they worded it is confusing."
This last one was directed to me:
Student: "Can I take your exam at another time... I can not make it to those times, my boss wont let me go."

Final Exam screw up


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