Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Neofyte blogger

This being my first post I have to admit the entry process was a bit mystifying, but here I am. With regards this issue of shared governanace it seems that, as with many things, the same differences of opinion and arguments about definitions recurr with some cyclical regularity. I have proudly been part of this community for 16 years and when I first got involved with the Senate we were discussing the very same issues; which body had primacy over which issues who what constituted "...primarily relies upon..." "...concentually agree..." Each new adminstration has a different take on what it consideres its responsibility and mission. I think it is important for ourselves that we remember the law of unintended consequences and be careful what we wish for. (bad grammar I know) We the faculty may not want to get too much power or we will be embroiled in the minutiae of the running of the College. However, I will in this forum state something I firmly believe: we are without doubt the MOST important part of the entire college, we, the community of scholars, are the essence of this institution, its heart and obviously its brains. WE are more important than the transient students and the staff is there to serve our needs so that we can serve the students' needs and the administrators are there to manage the PROGRAMS. I think it is very important that we the faculty know our place and understand that with that privilege comes the responsibility of conducting ourselves with dignity and a certain "noblesse oblige" with empathy towards the other constituencies. WE need to recognize that the faculty cannot do our job without the help and support of the other constituencies but there is no reason for the institution without the faculty. I just reread this ramble and realized there was a point I was headed to but I have lost my way. So I will let others finish my train......

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