Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What relevance does Rubert Murdoch have to Rio Hondo College?

I saw some of the testimony given by Rubert Murdoch to the House of Commons.  He was asked at least twice if he bore any responsibility for the hacking scandal facing News Corp.  I was agog when he simply replied, "No."

But in a flash, I quickly realized the parallel between Rubert Murdoch and Rio Hondo College President Ted Martinez.  Both are notorious micromanagers.  Both are quite proud to be viewed as "the decider."  [If I could only count the number of times I have heard Ted say, "I'm the one who makes the decisions."]  Both are quite quick to take credit for successes.  [Read any of the President's Update.] 

However, when asked to simply take the responsibility for institutional failings, there's no hint of Harry "The Buck Stops Here" Truman.  When the Financial Aid department failed our students, did Ted provide leadership?  No, he called a meeting of the "lunch bunch" and drafted an email in which he blamed the faculty.  When someone tried to circumvent the faculty-driven curriculum process, did he provide the leadership to point out that governing is shared with the faculty  Nope.  He allowed an out of control Board member to insult a colleague of mine.  When allegations of financial irregularities surfaced, has he confronted the matter in an open and honest manner?  No, he has simply swept the matter under the presidential rug.


Does anyone else see the irony that Ted was the one who instituted the campus' Leadership Academy?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for thoroughly depressing me. You hit things right on.


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