Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why the president is an ineffective leader

Thanks to Mike and Vann for discussing this issue. In the Leadership Academy last year, we had an outside presenter (someone who is an expert in organizational leadership) outline a method for assessing the effectiveness of a leader. There were multiple components to leadership and when someone fails or performs poorly in one or more areas, this creates a problem. Of course, we have to acknowledge that Ted has done some good things for the college (or at least has been present when good things happen). We have gotten through accreditation and the building program is going well.

However, Ted is severely lacking in two different areas. First, he plays favorites. This actually works in two directions. He unfairly prefers certain people. I don't have to go into elaborate detail, but his hiring practices (Susan, Kats, Howard) and preferential treatment (Elizabeth Correa) make people think that he does not make decisions based upon skill, but upon personal connections. The other way that this works is in a negative way. He goes after other people unfairly. Again, I don't need to go into detail her. Just think about the plight of the two counselors (Katie Louie and Gloria Arevalo) who dared file a grievance against the college.

The second area where Ted is lacking is in people skills. He has no empathy, so therefore cannot care about people. This means he does not communicate effectively, but merely dictates. He does not know how to handle dissent, a key to good decisions being made. When I was president, even though I didn't like being challenged, it did help me think about the decisions that were being made. I even modified my actions based upon criticism and, yes, apologized, when I screwed up. Ted cannot do that because he is a little man (not just in stature).

Unfortunately, we are stuck with this guy until he leaves on his own or the Board sees how Ted's continued presence at the college will hurt their reputations. I hope that things change soon, but I don't see Ted leaving until at least 2013.

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