Monday, March 19, 2012

Cathy Speaks!

Through her attorneys, Cathy Butler released a statement.  She says,
The District is well aware that several months ago I brought to light questionable financial practices within the District.  Since that time the District has allowed employees of Rio Hondo to intimidate and harass me and attempt to force me out of the District.  I have been with the District for twelve years, and my integrity and professionalism has never been at issue until I brought to light questionable financial practices.  The Board knows that I was correct in bringing these practices to public light and the District has been misled by certain District employees who have portrayed me as at fault for these practices. It is absolute nonsense and the Board needs to hold these employees accountable.
In light of this, Cathy has filed an administrative claim seeking monetary damages against Rio Hondo College.  In addition, she has filed a claim with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department "arising from the District’s failure to protect [her] from several months of intimidation, harassment and retaliation she has endured for disclosing and reporting questionable financial practices within the District"

Her lawyers have also filed a claim with the State Personnel Board.  This board is to investigate the role any District employee had in retaliating and recommending her termination.  Both the state board and the Sheriff's department are required to investigate any case in which a community college employee, acting in the course of her public employment reported improper activities occurring at the college, has been subjected to harassment, intimidation, and retaliation.

Cathy's lawyers expect that given her "age, her longevity withthe District and her position as a professional administrator, [we] calculate her damages as quite substantial if the facts evidenced in her claim are determined to be correct."

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Rio Hondo's Human Resources Director, Yolanda Emerson, named in the complaint? Didn't Ms. Emerson also have a lot to do with the unprecedented claim by the college president discrimination claim against three faculty members?


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