Monday, December 10, 2012

3 Hours of Distance Education

The following are from a very long (3hours) seminar from the Chancellor Office on CCConfer.
It started with the following
Presenter (someone from Chancellor office) "Not less rigorous Not more Rigorous but the same level of Rigor!"

There was a long list of ways for Instructor Contact. This is a must. The number one factor is that it is "Regular". 

Last Friday at Rio Hondo I recommended that there is a need for a Distance Education Committee. There was a question should this be an Ad Hoc or a regular committee?

Someone from ACCJC presented the following:

The distinction between Distance Ed and Correspondence course is whether or not the course is self-paced or not!

Correspondence Education is self-paced
So what will ACCJC will look for when they visit us?

 Now San Diego has a way of getting students ready for this:

The ACCJC presenter stressed Data collection but left it vague and there was grumbling in the chat room. However, I like the freedom ACCJC is giving the schools to explore and discover what is important for them by themselves.

What is Growth and what is being measured?
Later at the end there were some examples from various colleges on the type of data that is being collected.

College of the Canyon

San Diego Community College

The most interesting presentation was from Mt. San Jacinto College. The presenter shared this document and their school seems to be far ahead of everyone else. Both the presenter from MSJC, San  Diego and Ohlone college stressed the idea of Collaboration.


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