Sunday, March 17, 2013

Are We Drawn To The Grotesque?

I have been listening to fellow faculty across the campus. During the time of Dr. TMJ people would comment about this blog but today nobody remembers this blog. During the ugly days looking at the Stats for this blog we could see a larger number of people coming here. Today not so much.

Is it that people are attracted to the Grotesque? I see it on the freeway... People slow down to look at an accident on the other side of the freeway. I think this is called Rubber necking.

Also this blog has been dormant. There are not many posts, so NO reason to come here. 
I have been trying to get other faculty across campus to post on this blog. However, the response I get is "I could not post on your blog".

Let me clear!!! This Blog is NOT my Blog!
This Blog belongs to NOBODY! 

It is just a place to come to and share our ideas both good and bad.
If you are a faculty and wish to blog. All you need is a NON Rio email account associated with a Google account and I will give you permission to post on this blog.

This Blog needs your observations and ideas. 

1 comment:

  1. I encourage other faculty to contribute to this blog. It's a free speech area and you are free to post your thoughts and ideas. If you are intimidated (as I was) there is no need to be. Although I have posted exactly one post; I will post again. It really would a great thing to see this space as an place for Rio faculty to meet and exchange ideas.


All views are welcome. Please do not use foul language.