Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Government Website

It is summertime and I am spending my time listening to various podcasts. Here is one that caught my attention. Click to Listen
It is a BBC show on Design and to my surprise the winner of the design contest was a website. The more surprising fact was that the website was a government website.
The designers looked at how the users use the website. Most people going to the website do not start from the Homepage! Most users start from an outside search engine.
The other observation made by the designers was something that I wrote about on this blog before! Most people are not insiders and do not care about the set up of the organization. They come to the website for a specific task.
Our school is updating the school website. I hope they will think of those search engines out there and make items easy to find by various website. This is something that is not visible but something that is running in the background of the page for various search engine robots to find.
Oh in case you are wondering which website won the design contest. It was the following Government site which is not visually appealing for this blogger.

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