Monday, July 25, 2011

Special Board Meeting End of July - Part 2

As Prof. Javanmard points out below, the Board agenda for Friday's special meeting was made available this morning. Did his blog post last night have an effect, or was this a coincidence?

Either way, there are some interesting items on the agenda.  In the Study Session, the Board has allotted time to discuss curriculum development.  Hmmm.  I wonder if  Ted and Trustee Angela Acosta-Salazar invited a curriculum expert.  Rio Hondo College is lucky to have two experts - Fran Cummings,  who serves as the college's curriculum committee chair, and Michelle Pilati, the President of the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges (ASCCC).  Now when I say I wonder, I mean I wonder why they haven't been invited.  Maybe the reason is because they are RHC faculty.  Maybe Ted would be comfortable with someone from Grossmont College.  As luck would have it, the Vice-President of ASCCC is a math professor from Grossmont.

The second item that caught my eye is the performance evaluation of Ted Martinez, Jr.  There's a rampant rumor on campus that Ted may be awarded an early contract  extension.  On what this extraordinary reward would based would be interesting to hear, especially since the evaluation instrument used was a web survey that many people were hesitant to use, simply because anonymity could not be guaranteed.

Should be good meeting to attend.  They're even serving a continental breakfast.

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