Friday, July 08, 2011

Reflections on Why This President is NOT Successful

All  ideas good or bad are implemented by the faculty and classified staff. The Rio Hondo culture is very similar to something that I have seen in Asian cultures. Some cultures are task focused and some cultures are relationship focused. In a task focused culture first we agree on the task and then we may or may not build a relationship. The relationship does not effect the final product.  In most of Asia and at Rio Hondo, we build relationships first and then decide if we want to accomplish a task together.
Well this president has not attempted to build any relationships with any constituency groups. Actually he has a talent for destroying relationships. He carries out relationship building activities in a very sterile manner which is akin to a task that belongs on a checklist. He does not attend celebratory group activities, such as the "CSEA Decade Dinner" celebrating classified staff who have worked at the school for over a decade,  unless the Trustees are present. Fairly or unfairly this has created an impression of his involvement as opportunistic and disingenuous.   Faculty, Classified and a majority of mid-level administrators have decided they do not like this president.
So how does this president attempts to implement his latest projects? Well the answer is through fear of punishment.  The classified staff and mid-level Administrators reluctantly submits due to fear of punishment and retaliation. The faculty protected by tenure are slowly checking out, teaching their classes, holding office hours and going home. This leaves the President's office impotent when they need faculty to implement any new project. The more idealistic faculty who are still involved are labeled radicals and are marginalized. I wonder how much longer before these idealistic faculty will check out too?

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